After registration by the National Council of Professional Surveyors in 1992,
our company has offered Valuation Consultancy services to reputable
International and local firms, Government, Parastatals,
and individuals with great professional touch.

Experience in Valuation.

We have been consultants on the World Bank funded projects here in Tanzania
through the Prime Minister’s office  in which we were commissioned to undertake
the Phase One   of the Dar-es-salaam City Rating Project,  the result being production of the
Kinondoni rating  Roll in 1993.

Our International Clients include the United States Of America Sugar Industry based Consultants M/s Arkel Sugar Inc. of Baton Rouge , Virginia, in Richmond State  whom we successfully teamed up in an African Development (ADB) funded pre-investment study-project, for Valuation of  the Kagera Sugar Limited which was being prepared towards   divestiture  of the Sugar Development Corporation.
We have also served the United States Agency for International Development Agency in the Valuation and providing Estate Agency Services for their properties here in Tanzania.

Between 1993 to date, we have carried out numerous valuation consultancy assignments for the Presidential Parastatal Sector Reform Commission ( PSRC) in a wide range of issues involving valuation of Agricultural and Industrial sub-sectors which have already been privatised under the privatisation for economic reforms

Capital Shelterworks Limited has vast experience in Valuations involving Business Valuation which were carried out for PSRC between the years 1994-2004 These valuations were relied upon by the PSRC in negotiations with potential Investors.

Experience in Agricultural Valuations.

We have recently completed the transfer of the assets of the largest Agricultural Parastatal organization i.e. Tanzania Tobacco Board which was sold in 1997 to Universal Leaf Inc. of USA and are proud to believe that we have accomplished an unsurpassable feat never been accomplished by any known firm of Land Economists practicing under the auspices of the National Council of Professional Surveyors.

Tanzania Tobacco Board Assets whose Headquarters are in Morogoro were sold at the time when its assets scattered in the deepest rural areas of the Tobacco growing regions of Tanzania had no form of certificates of title and hence a limitation of its immediate divestiture.

Capital Shelterworks Limited was entrusted by the PSRC to carry out surveys for these assets to process and transfer the titles to Tanzania Leaf Tobacco Co. Ltd. We have now managed to process title deeds from the bare scratch up to registration and handing in of clean titles and eventually enabled PSRC to effectively hand over TTB to its buyers.

We have out of this experience effectively linked ourselves to working in tandem with Land Surveyors in whose combined efforts we were able to achieve the complex titling mentioned above.  
We have capacity to measure and give instant area measurements right while in the field confirming sizes and suitability of farmlands.

This is only possible counting on the strength we have in terms of possession of Licence and equipment from World Class Manufacture of Global Positioning Survey equipment (GPS Leica 300). which we count on to  able to carry out any Survey and deliver titles for any diverse location  with minimum time and absolute least cost and in effect and thereafter be able to process titles within the shortest  time by Tanzanian standards.

This GPS Leica System300) is the latest state of-the-art  Survey equipment that enables one to accomplish surveying tasks for Titling purposes or any other survey need of any magnitude,  anywhere on this planet with the  highest accuracy and in relatively shorter period of time than any other conventional survey technique would normally take.

With the latest satellite images in place, sub divisions, resurveying Plots  will be possible within shortest time after all the stakeholders have assembled ad agreed on the sizes and locations


Presently we are able to instantly take GPS references  and combine it with satellite images and thereby  be able to give accurate information of that can be manipulated on sub divisions etc.


Capital Shelterworks Limited in conjunction with Ms InfoBridge Consultants Limited has presented final Report done for the Ministry of Lands in a study  aimed at Systems Reforms in the Office of the Commissioner for Lands . This is a far reaching study touching on the Land Delivery systems in which we have been able to investigate and provide solutions to the problems besetting the Land Titling procedures.